Filing a Complaint against an Engineer, Land Surveyor, Geologist or Unlicensed Person

The California Board for Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors, and Geologists has the authority to investigate complaints of violations of the Professional Engineers Act, the Professional Land Surveyors' Act, and the Geologist and Geophysicist Act, such as fraud, deceit, misrepresentation, negligence, incompetence, breach of contract, failure to use a written contract, failure to record of survey map, aiding and abetting, violating the Codes of Professional Conduct, and practicing without a license. Enforcement actions include, but are not limited to, suspending licenses, revoking licenses, placing licensees on probation, issuing administrative citations, and referring the matter to the district attorney for criminal prosecution.

The Board regulates the practices of professional engineering, professional land surveying, professional geology, and professional geophysics and licenses professional engineers, professional land surveyors, professional geologists, and professional geophysicists. Anyone practicing in the following professions must be licensed by the Board:

Civil Engineering
Structural Engineering
Geotechnical/Soil/Soils Engineering
Land Surveying

Electrical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering

The Board also regulates the use of the following protected titles: Agricultural Engineer, Certified Engineering Geologist, Certified Hydrogeologist, Chemical Engineer, Civil Engineer, Consulting Engineer, Control Systems Engineer, Electrical Engineer, Fire Protection Engineer, Geodetic Engineer, Geomatics Engineer, Geometronic Engineer, Geotechnical Engineer, Industrial Engineer, Land Survey Engineer, Land Surveyor, Licensed Engineer, Licensed Land Surveyor, Mechanical Engineer, Metallurgical Engineer, Nuclear Engineer, Petroleum Engineer, Professional Corrosion Engineer, Professional Engineer, Professional Engineer - Retired, Professional Geologist, Professional Geophysicist, Professional Land Surveyor, Professional Land Surveyor - Retired, Professional Manufacturing Engineer, Professional Quality Engineer, Professional Safety Engineer, Registered Engineer, Soil Engineer, Soils Engineer, Structural Engineer, Survey Engineer, and Traffic Engineer, or any combination or abbreviation of those words and titles.

In order for the Board to investigate your complaint, you need to provide the Board with all of the information you have about the problem. We need you to provide a complete chronological description, including dates, of the situation. You also need to provide the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of other persons who know about the situation, including the names of any city and/or county staff if you have had contact with them about your problem. The Board needs all the facts you can provide in order to process your complaint. The Board does not have the staff to investigate inquiries based only upon suspicion or speculation. Be sure to provide copies of all documents about your complaint, including plans, drawings, calculations, maps, reports, plan check comments, letters, contracts, and invoices. Before mailing your complaint, make an extra copy of everything for your own files because we cannot return the documents once the investigation is completed. If you need more information regarding a possible violation of the Professional Engineers Act, the Professional Land Surveyors' Act, or the Geologist and Geophysicist Act before filing your complaint, please contact the Board's Enforcement Unit by e-mail at or by telephone at 1-866-780-5370 [toll free].

To file a complaint with this Board, use the NEW Online Complaint Submittal portal.